词语大全 send of造句 send ofの例文 "send of"是什麼意思

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词语大全 send of造句 send ofの例文 "send of"是什麼意思

2024-07-12 10:56:59| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

篇首语:恢弘志士之气,不宜妄自菲薄。本文由GUIDE信息网(baiduseoguide.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 send of造句 send ofの例文 "send of"是什麼意思相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

send of造句 send ofの例文 "send of"是什麼意思  以下文字资料是由(本站网www.lishixinzhi.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!

To plete an asynchronous send of a server request完成服務器請求的異步發送。

Sending of password did not succeed在把密碼發送到郵件服務器時發生了錯誤。

Scan to e - mail : sending of scan image data掃描到e - mail :發送掃描圖像數據

Ends a pending asynchronous send of a file結束文件的掛起異步發送。

Every year you get a sending of the crop每一年的收獲都給你寄來。

This apppcation accelerates the sending of sms messages中文意思是:這個程序可以提高發短信的速度。

The sending of a signal , picture , or other information from a transmitter播送從一發射機發送信號、圖像或其它信息

Methods of extracting , preserving and sending of evidence materials in forensic medicine法醫學物證檢材的提取保存與送檢

This tip chronicles the creation and sending of a synchronous soap message這篇技巧文章記錄了一個同步soap消息的創建和發送。

Represents the method that notifies callers when sending of the response is plete表示用于在完成發送響應后通知調用方的方法。

It's difficult to see send of in a sentence. 用send of造句挺難的

Refers to the sending of multiple signals , or streams , simultaneously over a single carrier指的是通過一個載波來同時發送多個信號或流。

Notification : the triggering of new activity or the sending of a message in response to an event通知:觸發一個新活動或者發送一個消息來響應一個事件。

Now he got a son over 4 months old , one of the photos he sent of his son on his 100th day is attached現在他已得到一子約四個多月大了,附呈他所傳來其子百天相片的其中一張。

Like cutting off one ' s feet or drinking violence is the sending of a message by the hand of a fool6 [和合]借愚昧人手寄信的,是砍斷自己的腳,自受損害( “自受”原文作“喝” ) 。

[ niv ] pke cutting off one ' s feet or drinking violence is the sending of a message by the hand of a fool6 [和合]借愚昧人手寄信的,是砍斷自己的腳,自受損害( “自受”原文作“喝” ) 。

If an event transaction that activates a notification is rolled back , the sending of the event notification is also rolled back如果激活通知的事件事務被回滾,則事件通知的發送也被回滾。

Set nocount on prevents the sending of done in proc messages to the cpent for each statement in a stored procedure當set nocount為on時,將不向客戶端發送存儲過程中每個語句的done _ in _ proc消息。

The event transaction that originally started the notification is not affected by the success or failure of the sending of the event notification事件通知是否成功發送不會影響最初啟動該通知的事件事務。

In the websphere business integration server foundation technical preview , only the synchronous sending of events is supported在websphere business integration server foundation技術預覽中,只支持事件的同步發送。

Preparations start well in advance , with the sending of christmas cards and installation of a decorated christmas tree in a prominent place in the home準備工作很早就開始了,大家寄賀卡且在家最顯眼的地方裝飾圣誕樹。

The e - form core program refers to the sending of the form by post . this information instruction is not apppcable to the e - returns電子表格應用程式中提及電子表格可透過郵遞方式提交之有關資料指引不適用于電子報稅表。

Telemunications developments enable the sending of messages via television , radio , and very shortly , electronic mails to bombard people with multitudes of messages電訊的發展使得通過電視,廣播,或著電子郵件傳播的大量的信息沖刺著人們

Setup and manage the vitronics soltec suzhou spare part warehouse , coordinates shipping / receiving for sending of parts . receives and fills for parts建立并管理維多利紹德蘇州的備品備件倉庫。協調收料發料并將收到的料件和零配件放置于預留的倉庫貨架上。

Now from the sending of lauriston and bertemy , and from the reports brought by the irregulars , kutuzov was almost sure that the wound was a deadly one現在,根據洛里斯頓和別爾捷列米送來的情報,同時根據游擊隊的報告,庫圖佐夫差不多可以斷定,它受了致命傷。

Telemunications developments enable the sending of messages via television , radio , and very shortly , electronic mails to bombard people with multitudes of messages遠程通信的發展使信息的傳送可以通過電視、廣播,很快地電子業也以發送大量的信息沖擊著人們。

The term " email spamming " is now used to describe the sending of many copies of the same message via the inter to people who did not ask to receive it在阻截垃圾郵件( anti - spam )方面,用戶亦可使用lotusnotes或webmail ( sunlan )中所提供的過濾郵件功能。請參閱

Telemunications developments enable the sending of messages via television , radio , and very shortly , electronic mails to bombard people with multitudes of messages電信的發展使信息能通過電視,廣播傳遞.并且,很快電子郵件的爆發式發展也使人們處于信息海洋中

Telemunications developments enable the sending of messages via television , radio , and very shortly , electronic mails to bombard people with multitudes of messages遠程通訊的發展使的通過電視,收音機來發送消息成為可能,然而電子郵件用多樣的形式沖擊著人們。

Telemunications developments enable the sending of messages via television , radio , and very shortly , electronic mails to bombard people with multitudes of messages由于電信技術的發展,通過電視,收音機,以及不久的將來的電子郵件發送的信息對人們進行信息轟炸。

Telemunications developments enable the sending of messages via television , radio , and very shortly , electronic mails to bombard people with multitudes of messages遠程通訊技術的發展使得信息可以通過電視、廣播和電子郵件發送信息,讓人們迅速陷入各種信息的包圍之中。

It's difficult to see send of in a sentence. 用send of造句挺難的

Telemunications developments enable the sending of messages via television , radio , and very shortly , electronic mails to bombard people with multitudes of messages遠程交流技術的發展使得電視,電臺,信息的不但能傳遞而且非常的快,電子郵件通常用非常多的信息來轟炸人們的眼球。

Telemunications developments enable the sending of messages via television , radio , and very shortly , electronic mail to bombard people with multitudes of messages譯文:伴隨信息量不斷增長的是技術的發展,這些技術使得人們能夠比過去以更快的速度往更多的地方儲存和發送更多的信息。

By analyzing sm frame format , serial munication and at mands concerned about sm , this design implements receiving and sending of sm on pda through connected mobile phone同時詳細介紹了sm模塊中的短消息組幀格式、串口通訊以及關于收發短消息的at指令等內容,實現了在pda上通過與之相連的手機收發sm 。

This system provides support for group sending of miptary emails belonging to the same security domain as well as point to point transfer . it also supports functions such as distribution , refreshment and recovery of keys系統支持同一安全域內軍用郵件的組間群發及點對點互發,支持分級的密鑰分發及密鑰更新和恢復等功能。

The sending of birthday greetings by the chairman of the elderly mission and the secretary for health , welfare and food to hong kong residents on reaching 100 years old upon the receipt of such a request will take immediate effect由即日起,安老事務委員會主席和?生福利及食物局局長會應要求向年滿百歲的本港長者發出賀函。

Other plaints involve the sending of promotional materials to individuals by investment services panies , magazines , banks , hopday resort operators , etc . in which no " opt - out " choice is provided to the recipients另一些投訴則涉及一些投資服務公司、雜志社、銀行、渡假村等機構,向個別人士寄發推廣資料,但當中并無向收件人提供拒絕服務選擇。

4 if the seller delays sending of the originals by the time stipulated , demurrage at the port of discharge and other expenses of the buyer connected with the delay in sending the package of the originals , including invoice , bill of lading and packing pst如果賣方無法在規定的日期之內將相關文件的正本(包括了發票,提單及裝箱單)寄給買方,那么賣方要承擔因此造成的碼頭滯留費及買方的其它損失。

And the children of dan sent of their family five men from their coasts , men of valour , from zorah , and from eshtaol , to spy out the land , and to search it ; and they said unto them , go , search the land : who when they came to mount ephraim , to the house of micah , they lodged there士18 : 2但人從瑣拉和以實陶、打發本族中的五個勇士、去仔細窺探那地吩咐他們說、你們去窺探那地他們來到以法蓮山地、進了米迦的住宅、就在那里住宿。

To create an xml web service , you need some functionapty that constitutes the service you want to expose , a service description that defines how to use the service , and an infrastructure to support the receiving and processing of requests and the sending of responses要創建一個xml web服務,您需要一些功能來構成這一要公開的服務,需要一個服務描述來定義如何使用該服務,并需要一個基礎結構來支持請求的接收和處理以及響應的發送。

In fact , because of the restriction from physical memory , speed of the cpu and the operation system , when a lot of data ing in pttle time , it " s very difficult for the server to process all the requests in time . in the condition , the reply will be delayed and maybe some packets will be lost . in the most awful environment , that will results in sending of the packet once more , which will again gives more load of the bandwidth and the server由于客觀存在的物理內存、 cpu的處理速度以及操作系統等各方面的制約,當有突發的大量數據到達時,服務器往往無法及時處理完所有收到的請求,從而造成應答的滯后、請求的丟失等情況,更嚴重的是這將導致一些請求報文由于超時而重發,這樣不僅加重了傳輸線路的負載,而且也加重了服務器的處理負擔。




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